In August of 2018 Dane County experienced high intensity storms and flash flooding. The Yahara River chain of lakes system experienced water levels and flow rates greater than the 100 year flood levels. Lakes and channels flooded, causing damage to property and infrastructure.
Flooding can occur due to channels being constricted, causing choking in the river. Choked flow causes the upstream water levels to rise due to the fact that there is not enough space for water to flow. This rise could cause the water level to reach dangerous levels, as was seen in August.
This analysis examines the stretch of the Yahara river that connects Lake Monona to Lake Waubesa, as seen on the left. The goal is to better understand the impacts of all bridges and constrictions between the two lakes.
With the increase in high-intensity storm events becoming the new norm, the overarching goal of our analysis was to increase the flow rate through this section of the Yahara River.
There are four known structures between the two lakes, including Bridge Road, W. Broadway Street, the Beltline, and the Railroad trestle. Along with at known structures, choking could occur at locations where a large body of water transitions to a narrow channel, which is seen multiple times within the project extent.
The primary objective of this analysis is to increase the flow through this stretch of the Yahara River. Additionally, we want to determine potential choking locations that would inhibit flow through the system.
Once it is determined if and where choking occurs the next objective of this analysis will be to present possible solutions to minimize the risk of possible infrastructure damage caused by future flooding events.